shipping container as garage

The Rise of Shipping Container DIY Projects: Ship From China

Shipping containers are not just for transporting goods across the ocean. They are also becoming popular for various DIY projects, such as homes, offices, studios, and garages. Shipping containers are versatile, durable, and affordable, making them ideal for creative and sustainable construction.

In this article, we will focus on how you can use shipping containers to transform your garage into a functional and stylish space. Whether you need more room for your vehicles, tools, hobbies, or guests, shipping containers can offer a solution that suits your needs and budget.

Why Choose Shipping Containers from China?

shipping containers as garages

China is the world’s largest producer and exporter of shipping containers, accounting for more than 70% of the global market share. There are several reasons why you should consider buying shipping containers from China for your garage project:

  • Quality: Chinese shipping containers are made of high-quality steel that can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy loads. They are also inspected and certified by international standards, such as ISO, CSC, and BV.
  • Variety: Chinese shipping containers come in different sizes, types, and colors, giving you more options to choose from. You can find standard 20ft and 40ft containers, as well as specialized containers, such as open-top, flat-rack, refrigerated, and high-cube containers.
  • Price: Chinese shipping containers are cheaper than those from other countries, mainly due to lower labor and material costs. You can save up to 50% by buying shipping containers from China, compared to buying them from the US or Europe.
  • Availability: Chinese shipping containers are readily available and can be delivered to your location within a short time. You can also find many online platforms and suppliers that offer shipping containers from China, such as Alibaba, Made-in-China, and Container King.

Benefits of Using Shipping Containers for Garage Transformations

shipping containers as garages

Using shipping containers for garage transformations has many benefits, such as:

  • Speed: Shipping containers are pre-fabricated and ready to use, so you can save time and hassle on building your garage. You can also stack and join multiple containers to create a larger space in a matter of days.
  • Cost: Shipping containers are cheaper than traditional garage materials, such as wood, brick, or concrete. You can also save money on labor, foundation, insulation, and maintenance costs.
  • Portability: Shipping containers are easy to transport and relocate, so you can move your garage to a different place if needed. You can also sell or rent your shipping container garage if you no longer need it.
  • Durability: Shipping containers are designed to last for decades and resist corrosion, fire, pests, and vandalism. They can also withstand natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods.
  • Sustainability: Shipping containers are eco-friendly and reduce waste, as they are made of recycled steel and can be reused for various purposes. They also have a low carbon footprint and can be fitted with solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and other green features.

Transforming Your Garage with Shipping Containers: Design Ideas and Inspiration

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There are many ways you can transform your garage with shipping containers, depending on your needs, preferences, and budget. Here are some design ideas and inspiration for your shipping container garage project:

  • Single container garage: If you have a small space or a limited budget, you can use a single 20ft or 40ft container as a garage for your car, motorcycle, or bike. You can add a roll-up door, a side door, windows, and shelves to make it more convenient and comfortable.
  • Double container garage: If you need more room for your vehicles or equipment, you can use two 20ft or 40ft containers side by side as a garage. You can cut out the walls between the containers and create a large opening for easy access.
  • Container carport: If you want to protect your vehicles from the sun, rain, and snow, but still enjoy the natural light and ventilation, you can use a container as a side storage and a shed roof as a carport. You can also add skylights, fans, and lights to the roof for extra comfort.
  • Container workshop: If you have a hobby or a business that requires a workshop, you can use a container as a workspace and a storage area. You can install workbenches, cabinets, drawers, pegboards, and hooks to organize your tools and materials. You can also add electrical outlets, lighting, and ventilation to the container for safety and convenience.
  • Container guest house: If you want to have a guest house or a rental unit in your backyard, you can use a container as a living space and a garage. You can divide the container into a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a garage, and add windows, doors, insulation, and flooring to make it cozy and comfortable.

Steps to Transform Your Garage Using Shipping Containers

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Transforming your garage using shipping containers is not a complicated process, but it does require some planning and preparation. Here are the basic steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Determine your needs and budget. Before you start your project, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how much you can afford. You should consider the size, type, and number of containers you need, as well as the design, layout, and features you want. You should also research the local codes and regulations regarding shipping container construction and obtain the necessary permits and approvals.
  • Step 2: Find a reliable supplier and order your containers. Once you have your plan and budget ready, you should look for a reputable supplier that can provide you with quality shipping containers from China. You should compare the prices, services, and reviews of different suppliers and choose the one that suits your needs and expectations. You should also inspect the containers before you buy them and make sure they are in good condition and meet the specifications you require.
  • Step 3: Prepare the site and foundation. After you receive your containers, you should prepare the site and foundation for your garage. You should clear the area, level the ground, and mark the location and dimensions of your containers. You should also choose the type of foundation you want, such as concrete slab, concrete piers, or wooden beams, and install it according to the instructions and requirements.
  • Step 4: Modify and install your containers. Next, you should modify and install your containers according to your design and layout. You should cut out the openings for the doors, windows, and walls, and weld or bolt the containers together. You should also add insulation, flooring, wiring, plumbing, and other fixtures and finishes to your containers. You should hire a professional contractor or engineer to help you with the modifications and installation, especially if you are not experienced or skilled in these tasks.
  • Step 5: Enjoy your shipping container garage. Finally, you can enjoy your shipping container garage and use it for your intended purpose. You should maintain your garage regularly and check for any damages or issues that may arise. You should also update your garage as needed and add more containers or features if you want to expand or improve your space.

Tips for Sourcing Shipping Containers from China

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Sourcing shipping containers from China can be a great way to save money and get quality products, but it can also be a challenge if you are not familiar with the process and the market. Here are some tips to help you source shipping containers from China successfully:

  • Do your research. Before you contact any suppliers, you should do some research on the shipping container industry and market in China. You should learn about the types, sizes, and prices of shipping containers, as well as the quality standards and certifications. You should also check the reputation and credibility of the suppliers you are interested in and read their reviews and feedback from previous customers.
  • Negotiate the price and terms. Once you find a potential supplier, you should negotiate the price and terms of the deal. You should ask for a quote and a proforma invoice that include the details of the product, the shipping cost, the delivery time, the payment method, and the warranty. You should also ask for a discount or a free sample if possible. You should compare the offers from different suppliers and choose the one that gives you the best value and service.
  • Inspect the containers. Before you finalize the order, you should inspect the containers and make sure they are in good condition and meet your specifications. You can either visit the supplier’s warehouse or factory and inspect the containers yourself, or hire a third-party inspection company to do it for you. You should check the structural integrity, the paint quality, the cleanliness, and the functionality of the containers. You should also verify the documents and certificates that come with the containers.
  • Arrange the shipping and delivery. After you confirm the order, you should arrange the shipping and delivery of the containers. You should choose the shipping method and the carrier that suit your needs and budget, such as sea freight, rail freight, or truck freight. You should also prepare the documents and paperwork required for the customs clearance and the importation of the containers. You should track the shipment and communicate with the supplier and the carrier regularly until you receive the containers.

Considerations for Shipping Container Modifications

Shipping container modifications can enhance the functionality and appearance of your garage, but they can also involve some challenges and risks. Here are some considerations for shipping container modifications that you should be aware of:

  • Structural integrity: Shipping containers are designed to be strong and stable, but they can lose their structural integrity if you cut out too much of the walls, doors, or windows. This can affect the safety and durability of your garage, especially if you stack or join multiple containers. You should consult a structural engineer or a contractor before you make any modifications and reinforce the containers with beams, columns, or frames if needed.
  • Insulation and ventilation: Shipping containers are made of metal, which can conduct heat and cold easily. This can make your garage uncomfortable and prone to condensation and mold. You should insulate your containers with materials such as spray foam, fiberglass, or wool, and install vents, fans, or air conditioners to regulate the temperature and humidity of your garage.
  • Wiring and plumbing: Shipping containers are not equipped with electrical and plumbing systems, so you will need to install them if you want to have lights, outlets, water, and sewer in your garage. You should hire a licensed electrician or plumber to do the wiring and plumbing work and follow the codes and standards for safety and quality. You should also drill holes or cut openings in the containers for the wires and pipes, and seal them properly to prevent leaks and corrosion.
  • Cost and time: Shipping container modifications can add to the cost and time of your garage project, depending on the complexity and extent of the changes. You should factor in the cost and time of the materials, labor, equipment, and permits for the modifications, and compare them with the benefits and value of the modifications. You should also plan ahead and schedule the modifications accordingly to avoid delays and disruptions.

Cost Comparison: Shipping Containers vs Traditional Garage Renovations

shipping containers as garages

One of the main advantages of using shipping containers for garage transformations is the cost savings. Compared to traditional garage renovations, shipping containers can offer a cheaper and faster alternative. Here is a rough cost comparison between shipping containers and traditional garage renovations, based on some assumptions and estimates:

  • Shipping containers: The average cost of a 20ft shipping container from China is about $2,000, while a 40ft container is about $3,000. The shipping cost varies depending on the distance and the method, but it can range from $500 to $2,000 per container. The modification cost depends on the type and extent of the changes, but it can range from $1,000 to $10,000 per container. The total cost of a shipping container garage can be anywhere from $3,500 to $15,000 per container, or $17.50 to $75 per square foot.
  • Traditional garage renovations: The average cost of a traditional garage renovation is about $11,000, while a new garage construction is about $28,000. The renovation cost includes the materials, labor, and permits for the demolition, framing, roofing, siding, flooring, insulation, wiring, plumbing, and finishing of the garage. The total cost of a traditional garage renovation can be anywhere from $6,000 to $16,000, or $30 to $80 per square foot.

As you can see, shipping containers can be significantly cheaper than traditional garage renovations, especially if you use fewer containers and make fewer modifications. However, you should also consider the quality, durability, and functionality of your garage, and not just the cost. You should weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

shipping container as garage

Using shipping containers for garage transformations can also pose some challenges and difficulties, such as:

  • Zoning and permitting: Shipping containers are not considered conventional building materials, so they may not comply with the zoning and permitting regulations in your area. You may face some restrictions or objections from the authorities or the neighbors regarding the size, height, location, appearance, and safety of your shipping container garage. You should check the local codes and regulations before you start your project and obtain the necessary permits and approvals. You should also communicate with the authorities and the neighbors and address any concerns or issues they may have.
  • Design and layout: Shipping containers are limited in size and shape, so they may not fit your garage space or your design vision. You may have trouble finding the right containers for your project or arranging them in a way that maximizes the space and functionality of your garage. You should measure your garage space and your containers carefully and sketch out a design and layout plan before you order and install your containers. You should also consider using different types and sizes of containers and modifying them to create more variety and flexibility.
  • Delivery and installation: Shipping containers are heavy and bulky, so they may be difficult to transport and install in your garage. You may need to hire a crane, a forklift, or a truck to deliver and place your containers in your garage. You may also need to prepare the site and foundation for your containers and secure them properly to the ground and to each other. You should hire a professional contractor or engineer to help you with the delivery and installation of your containers and ensure they are done safely and correctly.


Shipping containers are a great option for garage transformations, as they offer many benefits, such as speed, cost, portability, durability, and sustainability. They also allow you to express your creativity and personality and create a unique and stylish space for your vehicles, tools, hobbies, or guests. However, shipping containers also have some drawbacks, such as structural integrity, insulation and ventilation, wiring and plumbing, cost and time, zoning and permitting, design and layout, and delivery and installation. You should consider these factors and challenges before you start your project and plan and prepare accordingly. You should also consult a professional contractor or engineer and a reputable supplier to help you with your shipping container garage project and ensure it is done successfully and satisfactorily.

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